2011-04-30: Spring 2011

SSRIC Minutes for Spring 2011

April 30, 2011

Present: Greg Bohr (Chair), Ed Nelson, John Korey, Rich Taketa, Ellen Berg

Present on Illuminate: Lori Weber, Stafford Cox, Kevin Grisham, Josh Meisel, Ali Modarres, Rhonda Dugan


1.      Student conference went well, thank you to Rich!!!

2.      Andrew was unable to call in due to illness, but would like to get information on campuses that are considering using SPSS virtually.

3.      There will be a need for a back-up moderator for Elluminate sessions in the future, in case Ed is not present. Greg said he was willing to get trained.

SPSS Discussion:

There is concern about whether SPSS will be renewed on some campuses.

Ed had forwarded a summary of e-mail discussions, cost if all campuses subscribed to Base Suite it would be $500,000, which is not as much as originally said. Amos and the Data Entry part are going up, but Base is going down in cost.

There was some discussion of steps to take to find out what IT committees on campuses are considering in terms of SPSS, and also whether there has been any moves to find out what software faculty are using on various campuses.

Greg is going to draft an SSRIC position paper on the utility of SPSS that could be used if it is needed.

Selection of Meeting Sites:

The Student Research Conf should be South

Ali is going to explore the possibility at LA (if not possible then Stafford is going to ask Jose about possibility at Long Beach). Stafford suggested the Fall meeting

Greg is going to contact Gene and reps at San Diego to explore that option.

Going to try to avoid the last weekend in April, to try not to consistently conflict with WPA conference.

If SRC, isn’t in LA, the possibility for business meeting.

Greg is going to contact Francis about a meeting in SF in Winter.

John is going to e-mail some background information to Ali about the SRC.

Subscription Renewal Process:

Greg sent an email this morning with contact list. Reps need to please check that the campus contact listed for their campus is correct.

Greg will send around the subscription renewal letter in late May to reps, and then will send to campus contacts.

Report on budgetary discussions with Gerry (Greg)

No real changes to budget.

Gerry did agree to limited travel money for the chair. The budget will reflect $1000 for next year’s travel. Greg will send that to the CO, and ask for approval.

Workshops (Ed)

Ed sent around workshop summary.

ICPSR OR meeting in October

At last meeting, $1000 for the CSU was discussed…with $100 per campus to split for reps (based on priority list) to attend. Lori is going to contact ICPSR to find out the funding situation.

Ed is going to attend the OR meeting on his own.

Executive Committee for 2011-12 (Josh)

Josh Meisel (chair), Lori Weber, Greg Bohr (outgoing chair), Ed Nelson

Rhonda Dugan expressed interest in being Chair the following year, so will also be on executive committee 2011-12

SSRIC committee structure for 2011-12 (Greg)

The committee structure on the website was reviewed.

Ed will assemble Field committee and will be posted on website. Possible 2 new members.

Due to lack of activity, it was decided to keep the DIVA committee chair (Lori) and Teaching Resources Committee (Gene) on the website, but essentially dissolve the committees with the possibility of reconstituting if needed.

Field Committee Report

There were 9 proposals, which is the most in a while. The Committee were non-SSRIC faculty members from campuses without proposals.

Committee determined three highest. A clear first rank came to the top, and the 2nd and 3rd were tied.

The Council will recommend the committee’s first choice to Field. If that is rejected, the Council will determine a 2nd and 3rd choice from the two tied options.

Greg will send out the ballot on this issue:

1 VOTE is to back up the committee’s decision on First ranked proposal.

2nd VOTE is whether Council should “untie” the 2nd and 3rd ranked proposals.

If 2nd VOTE is approved, then Greg will send out the actual (blinded) proposals, and council will rank the 2nd and 3rd.

[Both motions passed via subsequent email vote. The first-ranked proposal was submitted to Field; no further action became necessary.]

Summer Program:


There were 3 proposals, 1 from a faculty member. Two from grad students. Greg recommends the faculty member. Said it was a strong proposal that also tied their teaching into their attendance.

[The faculty member’s proposal was approved via email vote. She accepted the nomination, and her name was submitted to ICPSR.]

Student Research Conference review (Group)

16 Total students registered. Fourteen attended from 5 campuses (San Jose, Sacramento, Monterey Bay, LA). There may have been some problems with the on-line registration, so there was concern that some students tried to register fell through the cracks.

Award winners were Juan Pablo Mercado won Grad student award.

Samantha Paine won award for best Undergrad student award.

Approval of last meeting’s minutes:

VOTE: to approve last meeting’s minutes. [Approved via email vote]

Meeting adjourned at 12:24 PM.