2011-02-04: Winter 2011

SSRIC Business Meeting
CSU Channel Islands
February 4, 2011


In person (7): Greg Bohr (Chair, SLO), Matt Jarvis (Fullerton), John Korey (Pomona), Ali Modarres (Los Angeles), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Gene Turner (Northridge), Billy Wagner (Channel Islands)

Via Elluminate (9): Kristin Bates (San Marcos), Stafford Cox (Long Beach), Rhonda Dugan (Bakersfield), Josh Meisel (Humboldt), Matt Mutchler (Dominguez Hills), Ken Shultz (San Bernardino), Carl Stempel (East Bay), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Lori Weber (Chico)

1.         Minutes

            The minutes of the Fall 2010 meeting were approved as posted. 

2.         Email lists

Representatives were asked to check and update the email lists for their respective campuses at ssric.org, and to contact Ed if any difficulties in doing so are encountered.  Various problems that some are having maintaining the lists were discussed.  ICPSR mailings go only to ORs and DRs.  Unless they have already been distributed to the “long list” (i.e., all those on the ssric.org list), representatives may wish to forward such mailings to the list for their campuses.



3.         Letters to RTP files. 


Representatives needing letters of recommendation for RTP files should contact Greg Bohr.



4.         Student Research Conference



            Rich will be sending out 2 large and 10 posters to each campus.  If your campus needs more or fewer, let him know.  He will also send the poster to Council representatives in several electronic formats.   No keynote speaker has been chosen as yet, but Rich is pursuing several possibilities.


            If you will be attending the Conference and would be available to review papers submitted for awards, let him know.  Greg, Ed, and Rhonda have volunteered so far.


            Papers with multiple authors are fine.  If a paper has been coauthored by a faculty member, it will be considered for an award only if the faculty member will submit a disclaimer verifying that the student(s) did the bulk of the work.





·                     Students should check to see if money for travel is available from their campus.

·                     Our conference will be held one week before the similarly-names “Student Research Competition” at Fresno.  Students may present the same paper at both conferences.

·                     Greg suggested that Rich check critique of last year’s conference (see the minutes of the Spring 2010 meeting) for suggestions.


5.            Budget (draft attached below).

There will be no increases in database subscription fees for next year.  The fee for maintenance of the website will be reduced from $4,000 to $2,000.  The Council decided to defer to the Spring meeting the question of whether to increase fees to campuses by 5%.  Other initiatives, including travel, will again not be funded.

We have asked the CO about the possibility of having some campuses pay next year’s fees with year-end money, and have been told that this would only work if all campuses did so, a most unlikely prospect.

The subscription letter that will go out to campuses should note savings from system wide subscriptions.

6.            Workshops

If you are interested in hosting a workshop on your campus, contact Ed to work on dates and presenters.

In an email to the Council, John had suggested that we explore (1) alternative funding sources and (2) alternative formats.  The latter might include, but not be limited to, webinars, online PowerPoint presentations with audio and videos of face to face workshops.  He and Ed have experimented with the last of these possibilities.   An additional possibility would be to link to existing resources (at, e.g., SSDAN, ICPSR, YouTube) from our site.

In a response to this email, Mike Reibel (Pomona) noted that he and Greg had agreed at the Fall meeting to contact Beth Ambos at the CO to explore funding possibilities, but that he was reluctant to commit time to this endeavor if there is significant resistance on the Council to this approach, and unless there is strong buy-in from some other Council members.

Also in response to John’s email, Josh argued that there remain unique values to face-to-face workshops, and that funding might be available from host campuses, as has been the case this year at Fresno and Humboldt.     

Discussion focused on the notion that different approaches each offer unique advantages.  Face-to-face workshops, for example, are likely to attract greater participation, and build faculty interest through networking and sharing.   Online resources help create a presence for the SSRIC within and beyond the CSU, offer flexibility in developing courseware for instructional use, and build support for in-person workshops.  Interaction is easier with face-to-face workshops, but this is more important for some topics than others.  The consensus of the Council seemed to be that different formats serve different needs and that it is important to have a combination of both rather than to see them as exclusive alternatives.

7.            Election of Council Chair for 2011-2012. 

Josh was unanimously elected.

8.            ICPSR Summer Program.

Greg will serve as Czar, and will update the page on ssric.org.  Lori noted that ICPSR will provide one fee waiver for a short course or a 4 week program. 

9.            ICPSR Official Representatives (OR) meeting. 

October 5-7.  $1000 stipend for a person or persons.    The priority list for campus attendance  is attached below.

10.          Field committee

There are no more question credits, and no more stipend for the faculty fellowship.  The faculty fellowship, which provides for 12 questions on a Field Poll, remains in place.  The deadline is April 15.  See http://www.ssric.org/participate/field_institute.   

Review team.  Since Sandra Emerson (Pomona) is now on the Council, she can no longer serve on the Field committee, which will consist of Alexandra Cole (Northridge), Jon Ebeling (Chico), and Susan Garfin (Sonoma).

11.          Data base usage

Usage is down considerably.  We each need to work on ways to spread the news on our campuses. 

12.          Web surveys

 Ed discussed the results of his survey of web based survey systems.  Discussion focused on pros and cons of various packages (features, cost, accessibility, etc.), and asked those who are familiar with various packages (Qualtrics [Billy, Stafford], Survey Systems [Carl], Google Docs [Stafford]) to send him a brief write up and evaluation.  He will also contact Allen Risley (San Marcos) for feedback on Survey Gizmo, and Nadine Misiaszek(San Diego) for additional input on Qualtrics. 

13.          SPSS licensing issues. 

Michael Berman (CIO at CSUCI) addressed the Council regarding different licensing models for SPSS.  Discussion also focused on alternatives to SPSS for faculty and graduate research (e.g., Stata, R) and for introductory instruction.  We need to consider a range of applications to meet a range of different needs.  At the same time, SPSS remains critical for students and faculty.

14.          Roper

Roper has a new feature called “Roper Explore” which uses SDA to power limited online analysis of some Roper datasets.  See http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/membership/roperexplorer.html.   Lois Tiimms-Ferrara at Roper will be contacting us to update our IP addresses.

15.          “Teaching About….”  

Ed is exploring the possibility of an eBook that would consist of series of essays sharing contributors’ experiences in teaching social science.  Essays could focus on disciplines, areas within disciplines, methodological issues, etc.  Publication options might include McGraw Hill’s Create, Connexions, SoftChalk, etc.  If interested in contributing a chapter, contact Ed.   

16.          SSDAN (Social Science Data Analysis Network) 

On Dec. 3, Ed and John held a conference call with Bill Frey and John  Paul Dewitt of SSDAN to obtain some insight as to the success of their project in sustaining support over a long period of time.  Bill and John Paul noted that it is necessary to involve most faculty in network activities (e.g., webinars) over at least 7 exposures before they will be will be willing to develop and contribute materials.  Webinar workshops are now 1 hr.  They are thinking of going to 20 minutes, and are also planning short videos of 5 minutes or less.  They have had success with a departmental model, in which a department as a whole enrolls and commits to supporting the project.





APPENDIX A: Proposed Social Science Research and Instructional Council Budget, 2011-2012













Data Subscriptions


































Web & Access Services


























Travel (SSRIC meetings, workshops, etc.)








Conference calls






Conference & Meeting Expenses








Program Initiatives


TR Fellowships
















SSRIC Newsletter








Student Research Journal








National Study of the Changing Workforce



























Note:  The Chancellor's Office agrees to fund the shortfall in revenue between revenue from


campus dues and budgeted expenditures.  The SSRIC agrees to continue its efforts to


maximize campus subscription revenues.


%  of total budget


Maximum possible revenue from dues for 2011-12


paid by CO


(rates continue to increase by 5% in 2011-12 and all


campuses subscribe except Maritime)



Minimum Chancellor's Office contribution (shortfall)





Revenue from dues for 2010-11



Chancellor's Office contribution (shortfall)





Revenue from dues for 2009-10





Chancellor's Office contribution (shortfall)



Revenue from dues for 2008-2009





Chancellor's Office contribution (shortfall) for 2008-2009



Revenue from dues for 2007-2008



Chancellor's Office contribution (shortfall) for 2007-2008








APPENDIX B: ICPSR  Priority List for 2011 OR Meeting


    1. San Jose
    2. San Bernardino
    3. Bakersfield
    4. San Francisco
    5. Los Angeles
    6. San Luis Obispo
    7. Sacramento
    8. Northridge
    9. East Bay
    10. Stanislaus
    11. Monterey Bay
    12. San Marcos
    13. Dominguez Hills
    14. Long Beach
    15. Channel Islands
    16. Humboldt
    17. San Diego
    18. Sonoma
    19. Fullerton
    20. Chico
    21. Fresno
    22. Pomona