February 10, 2012
San Francisco State University
Attendees: Josh Meisel (chair, Humboldt), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Francis Neeley (SF), Ellen Berg (Sacramento), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Greg Bohr (San Luis Obispo), Jim Ross (visiting former member)
On Elluminate: Rhonda Dugan (Bakersfield), Jill Yamashita (Monterey Bay), Lori Weber (Chico), Carl Stempel (East Bay), Ali Modarres (LA), Kristin Bates (San Marcos), Gene Turner (Northridge), Stafford Cox (Long Beach), Kevin Grisham (San Bernardino), Matt Jarvis (Fullerton)
Minutes from last meeting: Approved
Agenda: Approved
Josh offered to write a letter for anyone who needs one for an RTP file.
Jim Ross mentioned that his wife works for State Senator Rubio, who is sponsoring SB 960, and would like any examples of campus administrations transferring campus-based mandatory or IRA fees to other uses without student body consultation. Contact Linda Fiddler (linda.fiddler@sen.ca.gov) for more info.
Ed reminded campus reps to review their campus SSRIC subscription lists to be sure they are up to date.
Student Research Conference:
The conference will be Thursday May 3, 2012, at CSU Los Angeles. Ali announced that the room reservations and food reservations are made for the student research conference.
The search for a speaker is underway: Ali mentioned a few possibilities, but would like suggestions (by end of February, if possible). There was general agreement that a non-academic speaker might be more interesting.
A high turn-out is desirable: Ali asked that all reps reach out to student organizations (clubs, etc) to encourage attendance. Play up the opportunity to get presenting experience in a friendly environment. Also, direct contact with other faculty on campus to encourage them to send their students. And, post flyers/posters in prominent locations!
Rich, Gene, and other recent SRC hosts are asked to forward drafts of flyers and posters that they used to Ali for editing and distribution.
Josh will contact Beth Ambos to invite her, and to ask if she’d like to make some remarks.
Stafford suggested that using the Qualtrics registration system might avoid some of the problems (lost registrations) encountered last year.
Ellen suggested that the registration form include a mention that a confirmation email will be sent; students could then follow up with the organizers if they don’t hear that their registration was received.
Student papers awards: Greg, Ed, Kevin, Gene, Lori, and Rhonda volunteered to judge.
Anniversary Dinner:
The 40th Anniversary dinner will be held on Thursday, May 3 (after the SRC). Luminarias was proposed as a venue – Ali will investigate, and additional suggestions are solicited.
Plan is for a social hour, dinner, and open-mic for reminiscing and story-telling. Expecting about 40 people.
Ed has a list of former chairs, John has distributed a list of campus reps that he has no contact info for – each current rep is asked to check on names listed for their campus, and send him contact info if known.
Josh asked if anyone has artifacts of the early years (data tapes, punch cards, anything to give the flavor of quantitative analysis when the SSRIC began) to share and decorate the dinner.
Ed will invite Gerry and Beth to the dinner.
Andrew’s Visit:
Questions to Andrew:
Is there a way to download campus email lists to a more flexible format (e.g. .csv) in order to streamline process of forwarding emails from other sources to campus list? Andrew will investigate.
Is there a way to set up a conference registration system on the SSRIC web site? Basic needs would be: a registration form to be submitted on line, a reporting method to the organizer of lists of participants, a confirmation message to registrant. A method for attaching papers would be desirable but not critical. Andrew will explore the feasibility and report back.
(Ed) Emails to campus long list no longer giving bounce-back message for undeliverables? Andrew will check.
Is there any system-wide movement toward adoption of on-line survey tools? A CSU-wide license with one or more vendors, for example? What role could SSRIC play in ongoing conversations?
SFSU has a group exploring site-license options (see item below)
Collective procurement becoming a hotter topic – CO typically uses a ‘seven interested campuses’ rule in deciding whether to get involved.
SSRIC can play role of consolidating faculty teaching and research perspective – needs and perceptions of use.
Lori proposed developing a white paper on IRB issues, privacy, best practices, integrating tools into research methods courses. Lori will draft, but needs:
updated document describing software privacy tools (Ed will send),
input from other reps on IRB issues triggered by use of survey tools
Ed proposed developing lists of heavy users of survey tools as a resource for decision makers as well as new users. Andrew mentioned that vendors can also be valuable sources of information.
GOAL: SSRIC workshop on online survey tools by next Spring.
Announcement from Andrew: Linda Detterman (ICPSR) will be in SF in early May and would like to give a workshop – is SSRIC interested in being involved? Date may conflict with some academic conferences, in which case, no. Ed will follow up.
Election of 2012-13 Chair:
Rhonda was nominated by Ed, seconded by Ellen. Unanimous vote in favor!
ICPSR Update (Lori):
ICPSR is interested on having a CSU representative on the ICPSR Council – next election will be in two years (talk to Lori for details)
They will want a person who has been involved with ICPSR; attending next OR meeting would be a start, or connecting with ICPSR staff at conferences
Council is 4 year commitment, with three meetings per year (travel provided) and is a good chance to interact with US and international scholars and librarians
CSU reps have provided a much needed teaching focus to the Council in the past
Links to useful ICPSR pages:
ICPSR Student Research Paper Competition: There are links on this Web page (on the right) to previous award papers that serve as good examples for students.
ICPSR Summer Intern Program: There are links on this Web page to videos of student poster presentations that serve as good examples for students.
ICPSR Summer Program Information: Pay special attention to funding links at the top (plus we have funding through SSRIC for one faculty tuition waiver)
SSRIC Budget:
Josh introduced draft of budget for next year – little overall change
Will continue 5% increase to individual campuses – very important that all campuses resubscribe
Question raised whether provider costs drop if some campuses don’t join; Ed and Lori will check
Ed will check on planned provider fees for next year
Survey Software:
Rick Harvey (SFSU Public Health faculty) gave a presentation on their examination of survey software applicability and licensing
Currently examining four options (Qualtrics, SurveySnap, SurveyGizmo, SurveyMonkey)
Preparing an in-depth report to support a campus-wide license decision – will be complete this semester
SSRIC can contact Rick to obtain a copy of the report
Field Committee Report:
Proposals due Apr 15.
No workshops were scheduled for last Fall.
Ed asked that requests for workshops for this Spring be sent to him. Campuses are encouraged to schedule Spring workshops in order to increase database utilization and increase SSRIC visibility.
Reviewed data utilization for ICPSR, Roper and Field.
Discussed ways to increase usage: schedule a workshop, incorporate SSRIC data into workshops offered by faculty development coordinators, other?
Campus Rep Participation:
Some campus reps are apparently inactive/less active – why? Lack of rep involvement may be reflected in decreased data usage on those campuses. Josh will contact less-active reps to discuss reasons.
Items for Spring meeting:
Strategies to increase data usage
Strategies to increase campus rep participation
Broader data/SSRIC integration into other campus areas
Meeting adjourned