2007-04-28: Spring 2007

Minutes, Spring 2007 Meeting

Social Science Research and Instructional Council

Business Meeting (CSU East Bay)

April 28, 2007


1. Present:

Nan Chico, East Bay
Stafford Cox, Long Beach
Mark Drayse, Fullerton
John Korey, Pomona
Kathy Naff, San Francisco
Ed Nelson, Fresno
Andrew Roderick, San Francisco State, BSS Computing
Steve Routh, Stanislaus
Steve Stratton, Channel Islands
Rich Taketa, San Jose
Gene Turner, Northridge
Billy Wagner, Bakersfield
Lori Weber, Chico

2.   Agenda

M/S/P: Approval of Spring 2007 agenda.

3.   Winter 2007 Minutes

M/S/P: Approval of Winter 2007 minutes.

4.   Announcements

Mike and Moira Reibel are expecting twins.

Kristin Bates (San Marcos) is also expecting.

The notices for SPSS licenses will be sent out. Keith Wandrey (Chancellor’s Office) indicated that campuses will be notified, and that the subscription is increasing more than 50%, to $522,000. No word on server licenses.

A 1-year SPSS license is available from a third party. John Korey will send the URL.

5.   Action Items from Winter Meeting

Will be covered in reports on the agenda.

6.   By-Law Revision

John Korey distributed copies of the proposed by-law revision to restructure the Field Committee. M/S/P: Approve the by-law revision.

7.   2007-08 Budget

Travel: Make sure that 2006-07 travel expenses and invoices are correct. Includes conference calls by executive committee. M/S/P: Increase travel budget to $20,000.

Student research journal: Redirect efforts to 1) encourage ICPSR to develop a student journal and, 2) encourage students to develop papers into publishable form. Provide faculty mentoring or identify faculty sponsorship.

SSRIC Newsletter: Budgeted $2000 for newsletter development and publication. Content for 2006-07 will include three abstracts for winning student papers. Stafford will submit pictures. Ed will prepare summaries for SSRIC and for the Student Research Conference. Lori will obtain an estimate for formatting. Materials need to be submitted to Lori by the end of July for distribution in October. Lori will obtain items from the council. The council will review the final newsletter.

Ed will modify the budget description and submit to Gerry Hanley. Lori and Ed will meet with Gerry and/or Glenda’s replacement.

M/S/P: 2007-07 Budget approved.

8    Field Institute

Ed reported that the Field Workshop will be held at the end of the year or in January. Possible end of year dates include November 30 and December 7. Charles Gossette’s report on attitudes toward same sex marriage in California should be included.

UC Data has most of the SPSS portable files for Field. Some are missing. UC Data indicated that it will continue to support CalPoll Search. SDA will be accessed through a separate standalone webpage.

Proxy server access requires that campuses must support FTP as well as HTTP access.

9.   ICPSR Summer Workshop Travel Stipend

Carol Kennedy sent Ed a report on requests for Summer Workshop stipends: Mike Binder (SDSU Lecturer) and Fernando Soriano (San Marcos Assoc. Prof).

M/S/P: Split the travel stipend ($1500 each).

10. Sustainability of Programs

Comments submitted on the time demand for developing and offering workshops. Currently these activities are undertaken on a voluntary basis. No specific actions were discussed.

11. SSRIC Website

John Korey asked how the many documents that were being developed and put on the website on an ad hoc basis could be done systematically. Andrew indicated that DIVA captures metadata and allows versioning.

John, Andrew, and Steve Stratton will work on what is available. Andrew will develop a proposal, working with the Executive Committee. He will report at the October meeting.

12. Workshops

Ed distributed a list of potential Social Science Database and SPSS workshops for 2007-08.

The GIS Specialty Center agreed to develop and offer introductory GIS workshops.

13. San Francisco Report (Andrew)

SSRIC Website: Maintenance of the SSRIC website continues. Site navigation has been modified slightly. The travel expense spreadsheet that was added to the website will be updated from Pam Estaniel’s documents.

The teaching resources submission process is being updated so that authors will submit a Word document that SFSU will convert to a PDF plus attachments. Andrew was asked to make the Word document available for download as well to enable users to make modifications.

Nan will provide an update on website accessibility for the Fall meeting.

DIVA: Andrew reported that development continues, with new tools to assist accessibility by allowing multiple versions of files and media. A DIVA proposal is being developed for CSU. Andrew offered to allow up to 5 Council members try to use DIVA for at least 1 course in the Fall. John, Mark, and Lori were interested.

SDA: Paperwork for the license was submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. Andrew will install it as soon as it arrives. John Korey and Andrew’s staff will be trained at Berkeley—Andrew will verify. Lori Weber’s dataset will be the first converted to SDA.

14. Committee Structure 2007-08

Executive Committee: Lori, Ed, Steve Stambough

Teaching Resources: The existing Teaching Resources Committee and the RFP Committee will be combined into one committee, chaired by Gene Turner. Candidates for outside member include
Elizabeth Bingham (San Marcos), Greg Morris (Stanislaus), and Gary Cretser (Pomona).

Field Committee: Currently Ed, Steve Stambough, and Dick Shaffer, with Lori as alternate. Committee will be chaired by Ed, with outside members. Candidates include Charles Gossett, Alexandra Cole, Sandra Emerson, and John Ebeling.

California Social Survey: Currently Lori (chair), Chris Bettinger (SFSU), Robin Högnäs (Bakersfield), and Steve Stambough.

Web Liaison: John Korey with Carole Kennedy as alternate. Added Steve Stratton.

Workshop and Outreach: Ed, John, Mike, and Rich. Ed acts as the workshop liaison and coordinator.

Chancellor’s Office Research: Ed, Jose, Billy, Mike.

M/S/P: Accept the committee structure for 2007-08.

15. Consortium of Applied Research Centers

Ed distributed a list of centers and described a conference call among center directors.

Send Ed information on any centers not on the list (e.g., GIS Specialty Center). Andrew will put the list of centers on the SSRIC website.

16. Meeting Sites for 2007-08

Student Research Conference will be in Long Beach. Possible dates are April 18, 25, May 2 (all Fridays) or April 17, 24, and May 1 (Thursdays). Ed will send a letter to Jose asking Long Beach to host the conference. Send date issues to Ed.

Fall Meeting: October 5&6 San Francisco

Winter Meeting: February 1&2 Pomona


Ed, John, and Lori reviewed papers for the undergraduate research paper competition. The submissions were excellent. Need to encourage CSU student submissions.

18. California Social Survey

Lori stated that Henry Brady (U.C.) is still interested. A meeting on funding is planned for mid-May. Important objectives include integrating undergraduates, social science labs, and curriculum development. Lori will report at the Fall meeting.

19. ICPSR OR Meeting

The biennial OR meeting is scheduled for October 18-20 (Thursday-Saturday).

Rich will let Ed know if San Jose can go.

20. Student Research Conference

A big thanks to Nan for hosting a great conference.

Submitted by Rich Taketa