Minutes, SSRIC Meeting, Friday, October 4, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Attending in person:
John Korey (Pomona), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Greg Bohr (San Luis Obispo)
Attending online:
Rich Taketa (San Jose), Francis Neely (San Francisco), Ellen Berg (Sacramento), Rhonda Dugan (Bakersfield), Tim Kubal (Fresno), Kimmy Kee Rose (Channel Islands), Ginger Shoulders (San Diego), Jill Yamashita (Monterey Bay), Matt Jarvis (Fullerton), Gerard Wellman (Stanislaus), Josh Miesel (Humboldt), Gene Turner (Northridge), Stafford Cox (Long Beach), Mario Guerrero (Pomona), Lori Weber (Chico)
Guests (online): Steve Stambough (Fullerton), Sarah Jay Philips (Humboldt), Andrew Roderick (San Francisco)
New Member Introductions
Kimmy Kee Rose (Channel Islands), Ginger Shoulders (San Diego), Jill Yamashita (Monterey Bay)
Agenda Approval
Voted on, approved
Student Research Conference Planning
- Geisler Awards
- Contributing up to $25,000
- $5,000: Best Undergraduate Paper
- $5,000: Best Graduate Paper
- $5,000: Best Paper Using Quantitative data
- $100 per presentation (first author listed who attends)
- Contributing up to $25,000
- Publicity and other logistics
- A one-shot deal, it is important to promote the conference because of the Geisler Awards
- Sponsorships
- Possibility of getting sponsorships for the conference
- Teleconference with Geisler
- Perhaps with Steve
- Award review committee
- We need to develop a more thorough process
Steve Stambough’s Report
- The pavilion is reserved and we have great facilities available.
- The Division of Student Affairs will provide funding for the facilities on the Fullerton campus.
- Keynote speaker is from Fullerton’s Pi Sigma Alpha society, a 2008 alumnus: will talk about the use of quantitative data in a career path.
- Fullerton’s Student Affairs Division is potentially interested in sponsorship for the conference as well.
- Sponsorships: The council did not take formal action on the issue of campus sponsorship. There were no objections to exploring possibilities.
- Award Decisions: The council agreed that students must be present at the conference to receive an award. The awards committee will choose backup winners in case those chosen are not present.
- The council debated about making the award process blind; there are questions about how much work this would entail. The awards committee will deal with this issue, depending on how to divide the work between members.
- The council decided and voted that, while students from California community colleges) may make presentations, the awards should be limited to CSU students only. Only students can be listed as authors, and students must have done the bulk of the work.
- The council voted and approved the following for award eligibility: “Papers that are published or forthcoming in a peer-reviewed journal (excluding student journals) are not eligible, nor are book chapters.”
- Award Committee: Ellen, Greg, Rhonda, Matt, Tim, Kimmy, and Jill volunteered to be on the award committee. John will chair the committee as a non-voting member.
- Hotel accommodations: We need to know who is coming to campus to reserve a block of rooms at the Marriott. Steve will send an email soon.
Approval of minutes of Spring 2013/Winter 2013
- The Spring minutes have been voted on and approved.
- Rich Takata has the Winter minutes and they will be uploaded to the website.
Humboldt Library Guide
- Josh and Sarah Fay Philips presented their library research guide, which can be found on http://libguides.humboldt.edu/ssric.
- The research guide would be the central tool for finding and navigating data for CSU students and faculty.
- Josh and Sarah have rolled out a limited version and are anticipating input from the SSRIC to provide a more comprehensive resource.
- Sarah offered to share the resource with university librarians. If any representative needed Sarah to introduce librarians to the resource, she requested that representatives e-mail her.
- Sarah would like representatives to e-mail her with recommendations, based on discipline, on how to improve the guide.
Council Vacancies (San Bernardino, Sonoma)
San Bernardino and Sonoma have not yet appointed new representatives. Sonoma has renewed their subscription, but San Bernardino has not. Ed will attempt to contact Kevin. John will continue to contact the representative from San Bernardino.
Resubscription (San Bernardino, Pomona)
Pomona has not renewed their subscription for this year. Pomona was one of the campuses that was up in usage last year. This is surprising, but Mario will contact the Associate Dean with new usage statistics provided by John. Ed will contact Faye Wachs and Stacy McGoldrick at Pomona and ask them to contact the Associate Dean to urge that the campus resubscribe, and will write Kevin Schultz at San Bernardino for help in reaching Chuck Borden, the contact person on that campus.
Usage Statistics
The new usage statistics, including data for the 2012-2013 school year, are now online: http://ssric.org/node/438. Representatives should regularly download data and encourage their use in their classes.
- Ginger will work on the outreach handout.
- The subscription letter sent to universities for renewal needs to be re-written, adding resources, such as workshops, research guide, etc.
- The student research conference is the oldest conference at the CSU. John suggested that we come up with a new name to solidify an identity. If anyone has ideas about changing the name, email John.
- There was a suggestion to have a section of the website where we list student presentations at conferences including at the SSRIC and regional conferences. Matt has a list of CSU-affiliated presenters at the Western Political Science Association meeting. Ed will prepare a list of CSU students who present at the California Sociological Association meetings and will contact the Pacific Sociological Association to try to obtain a similAR LIST FOR psa MEETINGS. John suggested that all representatives come up with similar lists with different disciplines. John will update the website with that information.
- A new SSRIC Facebook page will be created to encourage use of SSRIC resources.
- There are a few links to qualitative research. Tim wants to include a link to more resources based on qualitative research. These links have expanded and will continue to expand.
- Richard suggested that with the government shutdown, that representatives encourage the use of SSRIC data in the meantime.
Fresno State Library
- Available on the Fresno Library website (http://www.fresnostate.edu/library), Ed and John have provided extended PowerPoints and YouTube videos of how to use the ICSPR, Field, and Roper datasets.
- These can be used to hold workshops on how to use these resources.
- Other campuses are encouraged to do the same.
There could be various campus workshops held across the state. The Council gauged interest on whether or not holding workshops throughout the academic year.
ICSPR Summer Program
Greg volunteered to coordinate applications for the ICSPR Summer Program.
Retirement of old modules
There are some modules on the website that are now old and out-of-date. There is no procedure for this. They can be found here: http://ssric.org/trd/modules. We should work toward either removing them or updating them with new issues, topics, and data. If anyone has new material, please email Ed and John.
Andrew Roderick’s Website Report
- If campuses do not re-subscribe, then Andrew will be the contact for removing them from the ICPSR database.
- They added the ability to make a copy of the email list for distribution in email applications.
- Andrew is working on making the website accessible to all audiences, in compliance with the CSU.
- Andrew fielded questions and raised possibilities about adding online courses as resources to the website.
- Andrew is available to answer any questions related to the website.
Field subcommittee report
The Field Review subcomittee for Field Faculty Felloowship was recently changed to be non-SSRIC members. Please send names for potential reviewers to Ed. The committee does its work in late-April.
- Update your long list of faculty email contacts on the SSRIC page.
- The SSRIC fall newsletter is out, sent to the long list, and is online. Forward it to others on your campus, if relevant.
- The SPSS tutorial has a new version. We are waiting for McGraw Hill to revert the copyrighted material back to us in order to update this tutorial.
- A new draft of the SSRIC roster has been updated.
- Information about the council have been updated and will continue to be done. John is looking for more information for past meetings, annual reports, members, and records, if you have them, please send them.