If you can provide information for any of the years that are missing, please contact the current SSRIC Council Chair, or write John Korey at JLKorey@cpp.edu.
AY 2016-2017: Stacy L. Mallicoat (Fullerton) for work on public opinion about the death penalty.
AY 2015-2016: Annabella España-Nájera and David Vera (Fresno) for work on attitudes towards immigration in California: ethnocentrism or economic concerns.
AY 2014-2015: Robert Wassmer (Sacramento) for work on the perception of gasoline taxes and driver cost and the implication for highway finance and investment
AY 2013-2014: Carl Stemple (East Bay) for work on attitudes toward Proposition 13 and property taxes.
AY 2012-2013: George Sporopoulos, Christie Gardiner, and Steve Stambough (Fullerton) for work on the Public Safety Realignment Act.
AY 2011-2012: Jennifer Murphy (Sacramento) for work on drug addiction and drug policy.
AY 2010-2011: Kimberly Nalder (Sacramento) for work on political knowledge.
AY 2009-2010: Francis Neely (San Francisco) for work on the salience of group identities - an experiment testing the implications for political attitudes and behavior.
AY 2008-2009: Fay Wachs and Stacy McGoldrick (Pomona) for work on fear of crime and terrorism as it relates to political identification and voting behavior.
AY 2007-2008: Deborah Baskin (Los Angeles) for work on public opinion regarding the use of forensic evidence.
AY 2006-2007: Francis Neely (San Francisco) for work on the nature of political party identification.
AY 2005-2006: Charles Gossett (Pomona) for work on same-sex marriages.
AY 2004-2005: Kimberly Nalder (Sacramento), for work on the characteristics and attitudes of informed citizens versus uninformed citizens.
AY 2003-2004: Alexandra Cole (Northridge), for work on post-materialist values and changes in California politics.
AY 2002-2003: Suzanne O'Keefe (Sacramento), for work on attitudes toward living wage laws.
Last updated: July 10, 2017.