Field Faculty Fellows (partial list)

If you can provide information for any of the years that are missing, please contact the current SSRIC Council Chair, or write John Korey at

AY 2016-2017: Stacy L. Mallicoat (Fullerton) for work on public opinion about the death penalty.  
AY 2015-2016: Annabella España-Nájera and David Vera (Fresno) for work on attitudes towards immigration in California: ethnocentrism or economic concerns.
AY 2014-2015: Robert Wassmer (Sacramento)  for work on the perception of gasoline taxes and driver cost and the implication for highway finance and investment
AY 2013-2014: Carl Stemple (East Bay) for work on attitudes toward Proposition 13 and property taxes.
AY 2012-2013: George Sporopoulos, Christie Gardiner, and Steve Stambough (Fullerton) for work on the Public Safety Realignment Act.
AY 2011-2012: Jennifer Murphy (Sacramento) for work on drug addiction and drug policy.
AY 2010-2011: Kimberly Nalder (Sacramento) for work on political knowledge.
AY 2009-2010: Francis Neely (San Francisco) for work on the salience of group identities - an experiment testing the implications for political attitudes and behavior.
AY 2008-2009: Fay Wachs and Stacy McGoldrick (Pomona) for work on fear of crime and terrorism as it relates to political identification and voting behavior.
AY 2007-2008: Deborah Baskin (Los Angeles) for work on public opinion regarding the use of forensic evidence.
AY 2006-2007: Francis Neely (San Francisco) for work on the nature of political party identification.
AY 2005-2006: Charles Gossett (Pomona) for work on same-sex marriages.
AY 2004-2005: Kimberly Nalder (Sacramento), for work on the characteristics and attitudes of informed citizens versus uninformed citizens.
AY 2003-2004: Alexandra Cole (Northridge), for work on post-materialist values and changes in California politics.
AY 2002-2003: Suzanne O'Keefe (Sacramento), for work on attitudes toward living wage laws.

Last updated: July 10, 2017.