2000-02-24: Winter 2000

Meeting of February 24-25, 2000
California State University, Dominguez Hills

Present: E. Barkan (SB), M. Blue (DH), J. Ebeling (CH), T. Lascher (SA), J. Korey (PO), J. Ross (BA), N. Chico (HA), J. Gerber (SD – Chair), G. Turner (NO), E. Nelson (FR), T. Anagnoson (LA – Scribe), G. Garcia (SSDBA, LA), A. Hernandez (SSDBA – LA).

Absent: G. Baldwin (MB), R. Shaffer (SLO), R. Taketa (SJ), D. Dixon (SO), J. Emenhiser (HU), P. Gianos (FU), L. Giventer (ST), F. Gossette (LB), R. Serpe (SM), D. Tabb (SF).

1. The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. on Friday, February 25, 2000, in the Advisement Center at CSU Dominguez Hills by Jim Gerber, Chair.

2. Minutes of the Fall, 1999 meeting were approved as submitted.

3. Student Research Conference – suggestions for improvement:

a. Poster sessions
b. Welcome jointly written faculty-student papers
c. Emphasize the paper as a stepping stone to publication
d. Hold the conference in Spring, not Winter
e. Hold a virtual conference – although not clear how to do this....
f. Hold the conference on Saturday, not Thursday, in order to make it more attractive to working students.
g. Hold the conference in conjunction with the all-CSU conference or a campus precursor to the all-CSU conference.
h. Go to your respective Dean and ask him/her to support the travel of one undergraduate and one graduate student to the conference.

Motion (Ebeling/Nelson): to move the conference to the Spring SSRIC meeting, hold it on Saturday, promote it through a list of activities to be sent around from Ted Lascher, hold it with poster sessions, and to move it up in April from the last weekend of the month toward the middle of the month, and to allow or emphasize jointly written faculty/student papers, with the student presenting. Passed unanimously.

Also consensus to hold it separately from the CSU, and to arrange displays of software or books if possible.

Paper winners for this year: Peter Kim of CSU Northridge won the Nesvold award for the best graduate student paper for his paper "Ronald Reagan vs. Terrell Bell: Conflict in the Status and Significance of the U.S. Department of Education." Steven Andringa of CSU Pomona won the McCall award for the best undergraduate paper for his paper "The Middle East and Religion’s Relation to the Political Structure."

Thanks to Margaret Blue for the excellent arrangements and speaker at the conference.

    4. Does Tony Hernandez have a vote on the council? Consensus to send around language to amend the bylaws in the Spring meeting.

    5. Attendance at the meeting – some campuses do not attend on a regular basis. What should the chair do? Consensus to discuss the possibility of designating a co-representative from the particular campus, someone who would attend more often. The Chair will contact the appropriate representatives....

    6. Teaching Resource Depository – N. Chico – looking for more material. Homework for all reps is to send material in the next two weeks. Noted that ICPSR has a TRD also.

    7. Social Science Data Base Archive – T. Hernandez. Tony distributed the report for Summer and Fall quarters, 1999-2000, and reported on the current status..

    a. The SSDBA has been moved from Institutional Research on the LA campus back to Academic Technology Support, in order to increase support for the technical needs of the SSDBA.
    b. Possibility of obtaining world bank data.
    c. Field Poll – Field is now producing the converted file, should be much faster.
    d. Tony met with Merrill Shanks at UCB regarding the survey documentary analysis program Shanks has developed. We should be able to access this program at this point.
    e. Roper – we are able to order up to 50 studies per year. The quota in recent years has been taken up. J. Korey to provide from the archives the priority list from 2? years ago regarding the priorities when ordered studies do not use up the total quota.
    f. 3 modules from Sociometrics are up in zipped file format.
    g. Stat/Transfer – Tony has a current copy and will take requests to convert files on an individual basis.
    h. Stata site license – Ebeling was advised to go to the Chancellor’s Office.

      8. Chancellor’s Office report – no report.

      9. Chair for next year: m/s/p unanimously Ted Lascher to be chair of the council.

      10. Location of next year’s meetings: While Tenaya Lodge in Fish Camp was enthusiastically proposed by Nelson and seconded by Anagnoson, the meetings for next year will be held at:

      Fall – Sacramento
      Winter – Los Angeles
      Spring – Hayward (Student Research Conference)

        11. Field Report – Ed Nelson:

        a. The CO proposal for the Field questions was withdrawn.
        b. Two proposals were received for the faculty fellowship – the Field committee proposed giving the Field Fellowship and 12 question credits to M. Michelson of Fresno for her proposal on political efficacy and political participation.
        c. The Field committee proposed giving 6 question credits for the Ebeling/Shockley proposal on revenue restriction measures.
        Caveats – Michelson – small sample size for Latinos – proposal to Field to oversample on at least one survey. Ebeling/Shockley – complexity of the issues for survey research.
        d. Student Intern – no applications were received as of the meeting date. Applications are still being sought.

          12. SSRIC Newsletter – Korey was/is to do a list of issues, etc. Material should be sent by the end of March to John Korey. Essay on how to use data bases in classes, 1-2 economics sites for classroom use – other reps to propose other sites for their disciplines.

          13. Spring Workshops – Ed Nelson received funds from the American Sociological Association to sponsor two workshops in the Spring – These are "Web-based Resources for Instruction"—to be held on the LA campus June 14 and Hayward campus on June 19th.

          14. Distributed:

          a. A new copy of SPSS for Windows, v. 9.0, by Richard A. Shaffer, Edward E. Nelson, Nan Chico, John L. Korey, Elizabeth Ness Nelson and James Ross.
          b. "CSU Access Speciality Centers and Technology-related Discipline Council Members" – brochure distributed.
          c. Information regarding www.driveway.com, where you can obtain 25Mb of space for the distribution of documents to students, etc. Similar idea to public folders on Outlook....

            15. ACCESS and AIRC – E. Nelson. CO now deemphasizing these and calling them "affinity groups." E. Nelson is chair of ACCESS this year.

            T. Anagnoson


            Corrections to tanagno@calstatela.edu