Spring Meeting, April 29, 1999
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Chair John Korey called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. in Room 232, Building 94.
Present: Bakersfield (Jim Ross), Fresno (Ed Nelson), Hayward (Nan Chico), Humboldt (Jae Emenhiser), Northridge (Gene Turner), Pomona (John Korey), Sacramento (Randy Macintosh), San Bernardino (Elliott Barkan), San Diego (Jim Gerber), San Jose (Richard Taketa), San Luis Obispo (Richard Shaffer), and Social Science Data Base Archive (Larry Jordan).
Absent: Chico (Jon Ebeling), Dominguez Hills (Margaret Blue), Fullerton (Phil Gianos), Long Beach (Frank Gossett), Los Angeles (Ted Anagnoson), Monterey Bay (George Baldwin), San Francisco (David Tabb), San Marcos (Richard Serpe), Sonoma (Don Dixon), Stanislaus (Larry Giventer), and Chancellor's Office (Cher Thomas).
Approval of Agenda. The Agenda for the meeting was approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes, Winter Meeting, 1999. The Action Minutes of the SSRIC Winter Meeting were reconstructed as follows:
- The Council elected Gerber as Chair of the SSRIC for 1999-2000.
- SSRIC Meetings in 1999-2000 will be held at the following times and places:
- Fall--October 7-8, 1999, Monterey Bay
- Winter--February 24-25, 2000, Dominguez Hills
- Spring--April 27-28, San Diego
- The Student Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the Winter meeting in Dominguez Hills.
- The Council was notified that the SPSS Primer authors agreed to reimburse Korey for expenses incurred by him as Council Chair.
- The Council awarded the Field Institute Question Credits for 1999 to Elizabeth Nelson (Fresno).
- The Council awarded the Field Institute Faculty Fellow for 1999 to Ted Lascher (Sacramento).
ICPSR Summer Program. Ebeling, in absentia, recommended that reimbursement for transportation and per diem be awarded to the following persons to attend the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program as indicated:
- $1500 to Dr. Judith Calvo, Women's Studies, CSU Fresno for one-week LISRL workshop.
- $1500 to Ms. Nadine Misiazec, Social Science Research Laboratory, San Diego State University for one-week workshop on Data Services.
The Council approved the recommendation.
ICPSR Council. The Council recommended that John Korey be nominated for membership on the Council of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
ICPSR Biennial Meeting. The priority list for attending the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research biennial meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 14-17 1999, was determined as follows:
1. San Jose 2. San Bernardino 3. Bakersfield 4. Sacramento 5. Humboldt 6. Fresno 7. San Diego 8. Northridge 9. San Francisco 10. Stanislaus |
11. Hayward 12. Los Angeles 13. Sonoma 14. Chico 15. SLO 16. Pomona 17. Monterey Bay 18. San Marcos 19. Dominguez Hills 20. Fullerton 21. Long Beach |
According to Article VII, section 4 of the SSRIC by-laws, "I[f] any campus is not represented at a minimum of one SSRIC meeting during the academic year prior to the ICPSR meeting, that campus will be moved to the bottom of the rotation list." During AY 1998-99 this applied to San Marcos, Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, and Long Beach.
The SSRIC Chair, plus four Council members will have their transportation and some meals paid by the ICPSR.
Representatives will have to pay for their own hotel and for other meals.
Taketa indicated he would not be able to attend.
Macintosh and Lasher will decide who will attend from Sacramento.
Teaching Resources Depository and Other Instructional Depositories. Nelson reported that the Council has sponsored workshops on the Teaching Resources Depository and the Social Science Data Base Archive at Bakersfield (along with an introduction to SPSS), December 17-18,1998, and at Stanislaus, April 16, 1999. A workshop is scheduled for tomorrow at Fullerton and next month at Sonoma.
Nelson challenged the members to add new materials to the site by sending them to Chico. He said we need to show sustained use and growth in order to obtain future funding.
The Council discussed ways to encourage faculty to participate. Gerber suggested a modest stipend for faculty who submit data sets and exercises. Nelson proposed providing funds for a graduate assistant and a stipend for faculty who develop modules. Shaffer said we might be able to leverage some support from Faculty Development programs on each campus with modest matching grants. Chico said that it is good to bring faculty to a site away from their campus where they can spend time working on the materials.
It was estimated that SSRIC has $2000 to $3000 on hand from sales of the SPSS Primer that could be used for this purpose.
In the short term Korey will contact Carol Holder at ITL to see if her office can supply matching funds to be used with SPSS Primer proceeds as seed grants for developing new materials.
In the long term Nelson will chair a group composed of Chico, Emenhiser, Gerber, and Ross to draft a proposal for an NSF grant with the sponsorship of ASA/APSAJICPSR/SSRIC to develop instructional modules.
Barkan asked that a one-page flyer be prepared for Council members to use in talking to
faculty about attending the workshops. Jordan and Nelson agreed to do it.
Barkan also requested that Workshops and Depository materials emphasize how data analysis techniques can be incorporated into non-methods courses. All agreed.
Field Report. Nelson reported that the 1999 Field Institute Workshop will be held Friday, October 22, in San Francisco rather than in the spring as is usually the case.
AIRC/ACCESS/CLRT. Nelson reported that CLRT meets May 14 with a new president, the President of Sonoma State, who is also a new CLRT member.
CLRT has recommended that there be no Academic Opportunity Fund grants this year, but that the amount be raised from $232,000 to $450,000 next year, and that the awards be made directly by CLRT rather than by AIRC. AIRC asked CLRT to reconsider its recommendation. CLRT sent the AIRC request to its Program Committee.
The Data Base funding is secure for 1999-2000.
Institute for Teaching and Learning. Korey distributed the schedule of summer workshops from the CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning
The Council recommended that Korey find out how SSRIC can sponsor a faculty workshop next summer.
SSDBA Report. Jordan presented the SSDBA annual report.
He announced that Tony Hernandez will officially begin as Manager in May. Several Council members remarked that Tony has already been helpful to them in securing data.
Emenhiser asked if the subsetting routine on artemis would be active soon. Jordan said it was not a high priority.
Emenhiser asked if all campuses had joined the SSDBA for 1999-2000. Jordan said not all campuses had subscribed as yet and that he will notify each Council member who is responsible for handling the SSDBA subscriptions on the member's campus.
Chair Korey adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
J. Emenhiser, Secretary for a Day