2010-10-01: Fall 2010

SSRIC Fall Meeting Minutes

CSU Sacramento

October 1, 2010

Present (8): Gregory Bohr (San Luis Obispo), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Stephen Routh (Stanislaus), Matt Mutchler (Dominguez Hills), Francis Neely (San Francisco), Ellen Berg (Sacramento), Josh Meisel (Humboldt), Richard Taketa (San Jose)


Present via Elluminate (11): Ali Modarres (Los Angeles), Billy Wagner (Channel Islands), Gene Turner (Northridge), Melissa Tamas (Monterey Bay), Kenneth Shultz (San Bernadino), Kristin Bates (San Marcos), Matt Jarvis (Fullerton), Stafford Cox (Long Beach), Sandra Emerson (Pomona), John Korey (Pomona), Mike Reibel (Pomona)





Greg raised issue of using restricted ICPSR datasets if faculty member does not meet ICSPR qualifications. There is a SFSU faculty member dealing with this issue and  ICPSR is addressing it.


If faculty need letters for their personnel files acknowledging their past service with SSRIC, they should contact Ellen.


SSRIC Roster Update (John):


A corrected roster to be distributed and any additional changes will be made.


Email list (Ed):


It is important that SSRIC reps maintain lists and ensure accuracy of email addresses to prevent bouncebacks.


It was suggested that there remains a problem with SSRIC mail including attachments not going through. Problem was corrected. Fullerton reports that spam filter is blocking SSRIC mailings. Andrew suggested campus IT should “whitelist” SSRIC mailings. Header information can be provided by having campus IT representative contact Andrew. Matt also reported difficulty at Fullerton using attachment feature on SSRIC website. Andrew indicated that the problem should have been addressed. A test mailing (including an attachment) during the meeting confirmed that the problem has been addressed.


It is also important that campus reps add faculty to lists so that they receive SSRIC correspondence. Ed demonstrated how to access SSRIC campus representative resources on the SSRIC website. Ed will also provide Matt, Frances, and Melissa with campus access to SSRIC list. Stafford raised the question of whether it is possible to import a list of users and email addresses into SSRIC distribution list. John responded that there is not currently such functionality.


John reminded group that it is important to indicate in messages whether mail is going to long list (all addresses on SSRIC list) or campus representatives only.


Question was raised about how to best notify new faculty about SSRIC.

Action: Greg will follow up with Chancellor’s Office (Jerry Handley) about a system wide email message going out to campuses concerning SSRIC.


Andrew’s Report:


The SSRIC site has been relocated to a different server and the mailer part of the website is being tested.


Website issues should be brought to John’s attention initially who will then contact Andrew as needed.


Academic technology at SFSU has provided training and support in making instructional materials (modules/exercises area) available online using different technologies. Ed’s exercises from Critical Thinking course to be moved over to DIVA. Andrew suggested breaking up written narratives “screen casts.” He suggested it is important to think about how training materials can be transformed into an online consumable format.  Also important for SSRIC to think about strategies to best make training materials available in online environment. Screen capture software should be easy to use, work across platforms, and be free if not inexpensive.

Action: Andrew will be ready to provide training in 3-6 months.


Data base subscription status (Greg)


LA and San Marcos have not yet submitted paperwork. So 20 of 22 campuses who are expected to commit have responded affirmatively.


Kristen (San Marcos) confirmed with Evelyn Stevens (college budget contact) that SSRIC subscription renewal is in San Marcos budget.


Greg reported that many campuses were not aware of how to renew. The commitment form is only a few years old. When campuses sign form, they are making commitment to renew but funds are not transferred at that time.


Ellen raised issue of some campuses wanting to renew subscriptions early to June in order to use “leftover” funds. Campuses cannot “prepay” for subscriptions using prior fiscal year funds. Ellen suggested that we explore changing payment schedule so that SSRIC subscription year is changed from June to July. Campuses would then have option of committed end of FY funds to subscription renewal.

Action: Greg to explore with CO whether we can change renewal commitment schedule.


Roper Center Assign Campus Contacts (Greg)


Lois from Roper Center is looking for individual campus contacts concerning campus connection technical issues.

Action: Greg will follow-up with her to determine what sort of technical issues have emerged in the past.


SSRIC Budget


Funding for student research conference remains intact and is protected per the Chancellor’s Office


The cost of the Roper subscription increased from $13,000 in 2009-10 to $19,500 in 2010-11. It is not expected to increase next year. ICPSR costs have gradually increased.


When the state budget situation improves, there might be an opportunity to renegotiate the Chancellor’s Office contribution.


Most all representatives present did not report any campus resistance to increased SSRIC subscription costs. Kristin reported that there was a push at San Marcos last year to cut SSRIC subscription funding though the proposed cut was unrelated to increased subscription costs.


In order to increase usage and campus access, libraries should provide links in database lists to SSRIC databases. It is important that such links identify the SSRIC campus contact for data access related issues.


Restoration of travel funding and other funding areas will be revisited at a later meeting.


Annual/Utilization Report (Greg)


Despite a smaller budget for SSRIC, there has been a massive increase in utilization of ICPSR datasets from 2008-09 to 2009-10.


John pointed out that usage statistics are misleading. Since faculty make available to students previously downloaded datasets, the statistics don’t reflect actual usage of data as much as initial access.


It is also unclear how many data sets are downloaded from SSRIC website (e.g., General Social Survey).

Action: Greg will ask Andrew if there is a way to track downloads from SSRIC website.


It is important that more faculty are made aware of all three different datasets (and importance of increasing utilization), the student research conference, and SSRIC resources. Action: All campus representatives should send out SSRIC introductory email to campus lists once lists are updated. Campus representatives should also ask faculty about usage of downloaded files in classrooms given that utilization statistics don’t measure actual data use.


CSU San Bernardino was reluctant to renew last year because utilization was low. Ken responded by providing workshops and utilization increased.


Strong participation in student research conference with 33 presentations and 37 students attending.


 (Re)appoint ICPSR Czar


Greg is ICPSR summer program liaison.


ICPSR has supported one tuition waiver for a summer workshop (regardless of program length). Application is competitive based on benefit to system and merits of individual application (not length of workshop). Priority given to faculty over graduate students.


Workshops (Ed and John)


Given budget cuts, SSRIC has had to explore other strategies for delivering workshops. One option includes videotaping workshops and uploading files to Diva. Ed has recorded a narrated powerpoint introduction to SSRIC. This is available on the SSRIC website. John is working with Mike to obtain NSF funding to record training workshops.

Action: Greg and Mike will contact Elizabeth Ambos in CO about funding to develop workshop videos.


John asked where should workshop materials be archived? One possibility is to store on SSRIC site. Another option is to archive materials on DIVA with links from SSRIC site. Andrew suggested that a cover page be provided (Ed’s Critical Thinking course exercise was provided as example) on DIVA.



SSRIC Workshops


Fresno                  November 1       Data in the Classroom (John and Ed)


Humboldt            May 6                    Data in the Classroom/Introduction to SPSS (2 half day workshops)



Fresno  September 23   Teaching with Data (Ed)


To be Scheduled

Dominguez Hills                                Using Data in the Classroom (with Long Beach?)                ?

Fullerton                              Teaching with Data                          ?

Long Beach                         Databases and the classroom     ?

Northridge                          ?                                                              Spring

San Jose                               Databases                                           Fall

San Luis Obispo                 Data in the Classroom                    ?

Stanislaus                            SPSS and Databases                        ?



Sustaining the Social Science Research Center (John and Ed)


John and Ed are both retiring. SSRIC needs to think about transitioning responsibilities of maintaining website to other SSRIC members. This requires knowledge of html.


Greg volunteered to assume webmaster role.


Stafford and Ed willing to help out moving instructional materials over to DIVA. Greg is also interested in getting training in the use of screen capturing software.



Field Committee Report (Ed)


Field has eliminated question credits and honorarium and will no longer be hosting Field workshop this year.


There will be an RFP for faculty fellow distributed April 15, 2011.


Student Research Conference (Rich)


Rich asked for suggestions for conference speaker. Ed suggested Mark Baldassare from Public Policy Institute of California. Other suggestions included someone from ICSPR (contact Lori) or Mark DiCamillio from the Field Poll. Don Dillman (WSU) was also a potential speaker.

Action: Rich will identify speaker funding sources at San Jose State and contact speakers.


Teaching with Data (Ed)


Ed is member of advisory group for ICPSR initiative. Fresno is participating in pilot group. Goal is to provide faculty with resources to bring data into the classroom. Project partners include ICPSR and Bill Frye’s group (SSRN?). More information can be found at www.teachingwithdata.org


Online Survey Tool Collaboration Possibilities


Chancellor’s office has not approached any online survey software provider about a system wide license.


Several tools available: Survey Monkey, Survey Gizmo, Flash Light, and Qualtric, among others.

Action: Stafford will design a short questionnaire asking SSRIC campus reps about their use of and interest in a web survey tool. Ed will distribute the survey.


Dates for Winter Meeting and Student Research Conference


Winter Meeting to be held February 4, 2011 at CSU Channel Islands (Billy Wanger)


Spring Meeting to be held April 29-30, 2011 at San Jose State (Rich). The student conference will be held April 29 and the business meeting will be held April 30.


Upcoming Session at PSA (Josh)


Josh invited SSRIC members to participate in a session he is organizing for the Pacific Sociological conference taking place in Seattle in March 2011.


Submission deadline is October 15, 2010 (contact Josh if submission will be late). Interested faculty should use online submission site at http://www.meetingsavvy.com/psa/presentationproposal.aspx




Josh Meisel