2009-05-09: Spring 2009

Sacramento, CA

Present: Ellen Berg
(Sacramento), Greg Bohr (San Luis Obispo), Rhonda Dugan (Bakersfield), Jennifer
Imazeki (San Diego), Pat Jennings (East Bay), Ted Lascher (Sacramento), Ali
Modarres (Los Angeles), Kathy Naff (Chair, San Francisco), Ed Nelson (Fresno),
Gene Turner (Northridge), Lori Weber (Chico)                                                                      

1.  Report from Andrew Roderick: Addressed three
action items (a-c)

            a. Expanding the number of datasets available on SSRIC website and use DIVA as a way to store and distribute materials on the website.  Discussion of whether the datasets should have general accessibility or just through the CSU system.  Andrew would like SSRIC to develop a short list of possible
datasets.  Ed Nelson is willing to be the contact person for this action item.

            b. The creation of a new format for instructional materials.  Andrew explained that the current format do not operate with the design developed in the platform.  Andrew proposes a creation of a basic format.  It would be desirable to provide 3-5 “light” exercises from existing materials.  Andrew’s team would provide instructional materials format through DIVA.  The team would present these new formats to SSRIC for       comments and approval.  Ed and Gene will be the contact persons for this action item.    

            c. Propose that SSRIC test workshops in an online format through the SSRIC website.

2. The minutes from Winter
2009 meeting were approved.

3.  During Winter 2009 meetings, there was
discussion regarding the change in sampling frame in the Field Poll. The plan
was for the Executive Committee to write a letter to Mark DiCamillo about the
change. The Executive Committee has since decided to forego sending the letter
because there would be no point.

4.  M/S/P to approve recommendations of the
Field Committee and to change the deadline from January 15 to April 15.
 The Field Fellow competition was
reopened.  Nine proposals were submitted,
including the three applicants from first round (deadline: January 15
deadline).  One of the three original
applicants was not selected.  The
committee recommended Francis Neely (SFSU) for the award.  Second place went to Mike Binder (SDSU).  Ed noted that Neely won two years ago, but
there is no policy that bars a past recipient to be awarded a second time.  Finally, Ed suggested that there should be an
April 15 deadline instead of a January 15 deadline.

5.  The 2009 SSRIC student conference: 36
undergraduate students and 10 graduate students, representing 12 CSU campuses,
presented at the conference. One concern raised is “how far outside of social
science” should the student accept student presentations.  Ellen Berg will compose a letter to send to
the Chancellor’s Office detailing the success of the conference.  Kathy Naff will write a letter to social
science Dean at Sacramento about Ellen’s efforts in organizing a successful
student conference.

6.  ICPSR is looking for those interested in
using a new service, “Teaching With Data” into their courses.  Ed Nelson applied for this in mid-May.

7.  The Roper dataset cost dropped to an even

8.  Ed Nelson agreed to do the SSRIC newsletter.
Content will include conference information, subscriptions, utilization by
faculty, workshops, and any other related information related to SSRIC.  The plan is to send the newsletter
electronically by Fall 2009.

9.  The Council had a conference call with Martin
Johnson and David Crow, who both work with the Survey Research Center at UC-Riverside
to explore a proposal about the California Social Survey. Eight CSU research
centers are interested in working in construction of the survey. (Only CSUs
will be involved, no UC schools.)  Some
of the next steps include:

            a. The creation of a grant proposal.

            b. Contact California foundations for financial support.

            c. The formation of a subcommittee, including Ted
Lascher, John Korey, Martin Johnson, and David Crow. Tentatively, the committee will “meet” (via e-mail) during the
summer to work out a plan.

10. Workshop update:  In the past year, there were 13 workshops at
7 campuses, totaling 151 participants.  CSU-Bakersfield has volunteered to “test” a new workshop on
“Instructional Uses of Data” in Fall 2009 (late September or late

11.  There was discussion about the survival of
SSRIC in the midst of the budget crisis.  It was suggested that SSRIC could survive independently of the CSU
system if we apply for grant funding.  However,
grant writing requires great effort from volunteers in the Council, so the
question is whether it is feasible for SSRIC to move toward this approach in
obtaining funding.

12.  Data Utilization: ICPSR usage is very high
while Field and Roper usage is “okay.”  Ed Nelson noted that Field usage dropped in number. We need to increase
utilization on CSU campuses or we will lose access to datasets.  It was suggested that those of us who teach
research/statistics courses have their students download datasets to increase
usage numbers.  Lori Weber volunteered to
send out exercises used in her methods courses for others to use to increase

13. SSRIC Committees:  The following members are the contacts for
SSRIC subcommittees:

a. Teaching/Research: Gene Turner
b. Field: Ed Nelson
c. DIVA: Kathy Naff, Lori Weber
d. Web Liaison: John Korey
e. Workshops: Ed Nelson
f. Newsletter: Ed Nelson

14.  Due to budget constraints, we decided that
SSRIC meetings for 2009-2010 will be held for one day only (tentatively
Fridays).   The sites for 09-10 are:

Fall (tentatively early
October):  East Bay (Pat Jennings)

Winter (tentatively early
February): Los Angeles (Ali Modarres)

Spring (tentative May): San
Luis Obispo (Greg Bohr)

The student conference will
be hosted by San Luis Obispo.

Recorded by Rhonda Dugan