2005-09-23: Fall 2005

Friday, September 23, 2005 at CSU Fullerton


Members present:  Mike Reibel, (Pomona), Carole Kennedy (San Diego), Jae Emenhiser (Humboldt), Pamela Schram (San Bernardino), Jose Moreno (Long Beach), Steve Stratton (Channel Islands), Kathy Naff (San Francisco), Lori Weber (Chico), Kanghu Hsu (Dominguez Hills), Greg Bohr (San Luis Obispo), John Korey (Pomona), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Steve Stambough (Fullerton), Mark Drayse (Fullerton), Gene Turner (Northridge), Randy MacIntosh (Sacramento), Ed Nelson (Fresno)


Also attending:  Andrew Roderick, San Francisco


Chair Mark Riebel called the meeting to order at about


1.  Spring 2005 Minutes.


A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously to approve the minutes from the Spring 2005 SSRIC Meeting.

2.  SSSC (formerly SSDBA) Subscriptions.



Ed Nelson indicated that he would be sending the contact list for member institutions who make the subscription decision, along with the letter requesting commitments from campuses regarding their intentions regarding subscription for the 2005-2006.  The following institutions had already paid their subscription fees for 2005—2006:  Bakersfield, Dominguez Hills, Fresno, Fullerton, Humboldt, Northridge, Pomona, and San Luis Obispo.  Representatives from the following institutions reported that their institutions intended to resubscribe:  Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay, Long Beach (Dean of Library has said YES but not in writing), Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose.  The following institutions have indicated that they do not intend to resubscribe: Stanislaus.          


A motion was made by John Korey, seconded and passed unanimously that the Council is recommending to the Chancellor’s Office that IP addresses of non-subscribing institutions be sent to ISCPR, Roper and Field so that access to their databases could be terminated.  It was further decided that, unless we hear from the Chancellor’s Office to the contrary, that the SSRIC will send letters to non-subscribing campuses on November 1st informing them that their electronic access will be terminated on December 31st.


Ed Nelson reported that access to information regarding campus utilization reports for Field, Roper and ICPSR were available.  The ICPSR logs can be found under the Annual Reports link on the SSRIC website and Andrew Roderick can help figure out system usage.  Official Representatives to the ICPSR can also get campus usage figures from the ICPSR.


Ed Nelson reported that Cal State San Marcos had indicated that they intended to subscribe but that they had requested a reduced fee for the first year.  There was discussion regarding the request by San Marcos, given that they had already enjoyed one year of free access.


A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously, requesting that Ed Nelson send a memo to Glenda Morgan in the Chancellor’s Office indicating why the Council does not support the request for a reduced fee for San Marcos and a request for additional information in support of their request, and indicating that the Council felt that the request was not fair to subscribing institutions and set a bad precedent.  In addition, it was to be communicated that San Marcos already was at the lower end of the subscription scale and therefore highly subsidized by other member campuses and that they had already had free service for one year.  Finally, it was to be communicated that the Council felt that they objected on the principle of the matter.


A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved that, pursuant to a request of the Council by Glenda Morgan, the SSRIC will jointly with the Chancellor’s Office send letters to campuses who have not yet subscribed urging them to do so.  These letters will be sent to the Provost, the Dean, the Official Representatives and the contact person.


Finalize plans for ICPSR Official Representative’s meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 20—23, 2005.


Discussion regarding the ICPSR reimbursement of only $100 for each OR, led to a motion that was made by Ed Nelson, seconded and unanimously approved that SSRIC representatives attending the ICPSR conference will be submitting travel and expense claims to the Chancellor’s Office for those expenses incurred in excess of the ICPSR’s reimbursement.


4.  Web Page (content, access lists, etc.)


Andrew Roderick gave a presentation on the new web page which is now up at www.ssric.org.  Andrew indicated that he will be providing a list of all campus subscribers so that SSRIC representatives will know who is utilizing the web page.  It was recommended that the Teaching Resources Depository (TRD) have a link added to SPSS13 at Bakersfield.  It was reported that there is currently no procedure in place for posting content to TRD.  Mike Reibel retrieved previous meeting minutes which indicated that a subcommittee had been established to revisit TRD and issues with content and the new interface.  That subcommittee consists of John Korey, Steve Stambough, Lori Weber and Gene Turner.  Ed Nelson offered his assistance to the subcommittee and the committee will notify Nan for feedback on the original TRD.  Gene Turner agreed to convene the subcommittee and determine a chairperson.


Redirect pages are being prepared with Pomona and SSDBA at Los Angeles.


John Korey agreed to serve as liaison between the Council and Andrew Roderick for providing new content for the web page.  A request was made for a volunteer familiar with html to serve as a backup person to John and Carole Kennedy volunteered.


Ed Nelson reported that the GSS from 2004 will be up next week on the web page once security features have been applied.


The SSRIC logo and Banner will be available in .bmp format from the web page.


John Korey is the contact person for reporting errors on TRD.


5.  New SSRIC e-mail system


Andrew Roderick gave a presentation on the new SSRIC e-mail system.  Ed Nelson agreed to be the contact person is council members wish to send an e-mail through the website to campus specific lists.  Signups to the list must be done by individuals from the various campuses and can be completed at www.ssric.org


6.  Data workshops (other than Fullerton) for 05-06


Ed Nelson agreed to serve as workshop coordinator.  A workshop is scheduled for September 24th, at CSU Fullerton on the topic of Introduction to the Council and Survey Document Analysis (SDA).  Representatives from San Francisco State and Sacramento indicated an interest in working to set up a joint workshop in Northern California this year.  Carole Kennedy from San Diego asked for additional information about the requirements for hosting a workshop and indicated that she would work to try to bring a workshop to the SDSU campus in the next year or two.


7.  Student Research Conference


Gene Turner passed around preliminary flyers announcing the annual SSRIC student research conference which will be held May 45, 2006, at CSU Northridge.  Gene announced that lunch would be held at the University Club and that housing for student presenters would be available at the rate of $100 per night.


8.  Field RFPs


Field RFPs are on the SSRIC website.  There was discussion regarding the lower likelihood of student internships with Field since the sale of the Field Poll.  Ed Nelson agreed to follow up with members to encourage applications for the Faculty Fellowship with Field, which offers a cash stipend of $1,000 and inclusion of up to 12 questions on a Field Poll.  The deadline for applying for the fellowship is January 15, 2006.


The Field Subcommittee consists of Ed Nelson, chair and Dick Shaffer and Steve Stambough.  This subcommittee will review fellowship applications and Mark DiCamillo makes the final decision.


It was announced that a Field workshop would take place at the University Club in San Francisco at the corner of California and Powell streets on Friday, October 7, 2005.        


9.  Plans for generating and maintaining future usage and service reports


Gene Turner discussed the difficulties involved in tracking usage, including lots of anonymous guest downloads without e-mail addresses.  Ed Nelson indicated that he would bring this difficulty to the attention of the ICPSR and request assistance in efforts to gather better utilization data.  It was recommended that all SSRIC representatives take a look at the usage report on the web and make suggestions for improvement.  Lori Weber suggested having all students individually download their data which would provide good training and show up as an increase in usage.


10.   Roper fees


Ed Nelson reported that Roper goes to web direct access on or about October 1, 2005, and in the meantime, he can still provide access to Roper datasets for those who need them.  Ed further reported that the yearly Roper contracts expire in September and that a new fee system would be implemented for Roper Express which provides unlimited access to recent Roper polls, while older polls may be obtained for an additional fee.  Ed reported that the membership fee last year was $7,500, and that the new annual fee for unlimited access for 16-23 campuses would be $10,625. 


A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to recommend to the Chancellor’s Office renewal of the contract with Roper at the new rate of $10,625.00.  Ed Nelson agreed to notify Glenda Morgan and Roper of the SSRIC recommendation and to request that the Chancellor’s Office pay 50% of the fee.


11.  February (Tenaya) meeting logistics


12.  ICPSR summer czar


Randy MacIntosh is the ICPSR summer czar and he informed the Council that the ICPSR summer schedule would be available in February of 2006.  He reported that there was funding for travel only and that preferences would be give to faculty applicants over student applications.  He discussed the application process and said that it required a 1-2 page justification for attending the summer session of ICPSR.  John Korey indicated that he would update the web page with ICPSR summer information and that more information would be available in February of 2006.


13.  SPSS fees.


This matter was held over to the winter meeting.


14.   06-07 Budget


Rich Taketa reported that the Student Research Conference receives funding from the SSRIC at this time.  In the past host campuses have paid for accommodations.  Every other year, the ICPSR OR monies need to be included in the SSRIC budget now that ICPSR no longer funds OR travel beyond a $100 stipend.


Gene Nelson suggested adding a budget line to cover all expenses of workshop presenters. 


At the winter meeting a subcommittee will be formed to start on the budget for 06-07.  In addition, it was decided that the fee structure for ICPSR would be on the agenda for the winter meeting.  Campus enrollment is currently the way that fees are apportioned.


15.   Student Journal Project


Lori Weber reported on a student journal project that she had supervised at Chico and recommended that the SSRIC could potentially sponsor such a journal.  Gene Turner suggested that it was a good idea to consider for the 30th year anniversary of the SSRIC and it will be on the agenda for the Winter meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at about