2005-02-04: Winter 2005

– SSRIC Winter 2005, Cal Poly SLO


Members present: Lori Weber (Chico), Kanghu Hsu (Dominguez
Hills), Nan Chico (East Bay, formerly Hayward; scribe du

jour), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Mark Drayse (Fullerton), Steve Stambough
(Fullerton), Ted Anagnoson (Los Angeles), Gene Turner
(Northridge), John Korey (Pomona), Carole Kennedy (San Diego), Kathy Naff (San
Francisco), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Dick Shaffer (SLO), Garry Ralison (San
Marcos), Stephen Routh (Stanislaus)


The meeting was called to order by Chair
Rich Taketa
at . Item #8 class=GramE>was postponed until immediately after lunch.



1. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> The Fall
2004 minutes
were approved [note: web version should
be “Don” Dixon, not Ron]




2. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> Spring
Student Research Conference,
: Thursday, April 28 [business meeting on Friday the 29th].
Be sure to recruit students for this! If they want to compete for one of three
prizes (best undergrad, best grad, best use of quantitative data) they must
have the paper to Ed by April 18; we will read the papers Wednesday evening, so
let Ed know if you can help do this (pizza and goodies included). And let him
know if you need more posters for your campus.



3. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>SSDB (Social Science Data Bases) Workshops


Recent workshops at Bakersfield
and San Jose had good attendance;
next is Stanislaus and Pomona. Soon
will be Sonoma, San
, Sacramento,
Northridge and maybe Chico? First
target is non-subscribers, but we’d like to see more use by everyone. Let Rich know
if you are interested. Ideally, more of us will pick up the training and can
help present these workshops. In addition to demo-ing ICPSR, Roper, and Field,
we could build up to SIMI, TRD/SSTARS, and DAS/SDA. The CO pays for travel



4. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> ICPSR
Summer Program (Ted)


We just received information about the 2005 Summer Program
at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/sumprog/ style='font-family:"Courier New"'>


Applications are due April 22, the week before the Spring
meeting. ICPSR gives us about $3,000 to allocate to CSU faculty applicants; Ted
highly recommends the one-week workshops and he can recommend places to stay.
He will email us when he has more info about the 2005 program.

5. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> ICPSR/IMIS
Report (Ed)


SIMI and IMIS [and TRD] are acronyms relating to teaching
materials for undergraduate social science students. ICPSR has only recently
been open to focusing on undergrads, mostly due to prodding by SSRIC and other
federated groups.

The SIMI archive now has 54 instructional data sets, and
there have been lots of downloads from the site.



You can also show undergrads how to use the DAS (which uses
SDA), proving that SSRIC is not alone in odd acronym construction. Currently class=GramE>has 180+ data sets.



ICPSR has requested that SSRIC choose 5-6 additional data
sets that they will consider putting into SDA format, so let Ed know if you
have a favorite.


We would like to see more submissions to the SIMI site; any
suggestions? Perhaps a peer review system that might
tie to PTRs?


At the October, 2005 OR meeting (ICPSR) in Ann
, there will be a workshop for new OR’s (probably
on Thursday). On Saturday morning, there
will be two sessions focusing on instruction.

The IMIS subcommittee is suggesting to the ICPSR Council that a prize be
offered for the best instructional materials submitted before the OR
meeting. Suggestion is that the prize be
$500, a free trip to the OR meeting, and the opportunity to present the
materials at the Saturday session on instructional materials. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> Ed will let us know if the Council adopts
this suggestion. So get ready to submit materials. style='mso-spacerun:yes'>


SSRIC members are encouraged to subscribe to the Teaching
Methods listserv.




6. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> ICPSR/OR
Meeting (Rich)

ICPSR has 5 slots for our Federation at the biennial OR meeting
in Ann Arbor (October 20-23).



They pay travel and provide most meals, ORs or their
campuses pay room and some meals. At the Spring meeting Rich will have a list
of campuses by eligibility. If you are interested in attending, and we
particularly encourage new ORs to go if they can, be prepared to let us know at
that meeting. There’s a reception on Thursday evening, and lots of workshops (teaching,
data sets, statistical procedures) after that. For new ORs there is an earlier
workshop on Thursday which is highly recommended.





7. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> California Social Survey update [Lori]


A committee has been working on
the creation of a survey modeled on the GSS and has also been investigating
funding sources and institutional support. There will be a full report at the Spring



9. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> Budget
04-05 and 05-06 (Rich)


Next year’s budget is in preparation, and input from SSRIC
reps was requested. Ideas included more workshops;
more travel funds (to meetings, for workshops, help with ICPSR lodging); software
for teleconferencing; purchasing survey software; working on grants; issuing
RFPs for using our data and/or teaching materials in the classroom.



10. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>Executive Committee (Rich)


Rich, as first-time SSRIC chair, suggested that John and Ed
serve as an executive committee to work with him on various ideas and issues
during the gap between last Spring and Fall (when there were lots of action
items). He found the committee idea very useful, and asked John and Ed to
continue working with him, which the council thought was a good idea. Future
chairs may wish to avail themselves of this process.



Lunch on Campus



8. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> Updated
SSRIC Website at SFSU (Andrew Roderick)


Andrew gave us a handout and a PPT presentation based on the
fact that the SSDBA is gone but we need a homepage for SSRIC that would also
include TRD materials. After a discussion of various scenarios and budget
considerations, we agreed that Andrew’s team style='mso-spacerun:yes'> will start working on a web site for
us and plan on a start-up budget of up to $10,000. This should work, given a
lower emphasis on data archiving (less complicated back-end software) and a
main emphasis on teaching materials. For examples of websites designed by the College
of Behavioral
and Social Sciences
team, see:






Conference Call with Glenda Morgan, Chancellor’s Office


We had a lot of questions, and Glenda will check with the
appropriate budget folks and get back to us with answers. 1) Can we offer a
rebate to campuses since we collected approximately $15,000 more than we need
from campuses? She suggested we email her a proposal, which she will take to appropriate
person. The Executive Committee class=GramE>was instructed to carry through on this. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 2) Can we have some
budget $$ in a Foundation account so that we can pay for food for the Student
Research Conferences? 3) How do we pay Andrew, ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ or something easier? She
says he looks honest, so ½ up front and the rest later should be fine. Glenda
had a question for us, which most of us couldn’t answer – who on your campus is
using SAS? Get back to her on this if you know someone who is. Also, even
though the price for SPSS went up, we are not in danger yet. But stay tuned.



11. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>Election of New Chair (All)


Ed nominated Mike Reibel, who was not present. Let that be a
lesson to non-attendees. Mike fortunately knew about this ahead of time, and
after reading his CV we voted unanimously to elect him as our 2005-2006 Chair.
The last line of his CV was most convincing: under Hobbies, he mentioned
“Preparing mouthwatering cold smoked barbecue.”
We asked if he could bring some to the Fall meeting. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> :-)



12. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>By-law Changes (John)


After an inquiry into who belongs to “north” and who belongs
to “south” campuses, we unanimously agreed to eliminate such geographically
challenging considerations in appointing members to the Field Committee. We
also removed term limitation language.


We also decided we need to

clarify what a “majority” of the members really means. style='mso-spacerun:yes'> [Note: see Spring 2005 minutes for



13. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>Field Committee Report (Ed)


The Committee recommended Charles Gossett (Pomona)
as the Faculty Fellow, and Stephen Kroll (Sac

State) for the six question
credits. Ed reminded us to let applicants for Field surveys know that if and
when their awarded question credits will actually show up in a survey is
completely up to Field.


We don’t yet know if there will be a position for a student
intern, but we do have someone who is interested, Helay Niazi from Pomona.


Next year’s Field Committee will
consist of Ed, Dick, and Steve (Stambough).


Mark DiCamillo asked us to come up with a date for the Field
Workshop, which he plans for some Friday in Fall. But not 10/21, since that
would coincide with the ICPSR meeting.


The Field 2004 data is at the UCB site, and everyone should
try to download it. If you can’t, you need to make sure your browser is set for
passive FTP (contact Ed if you have a problem).




14. style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>ICPSR New Fee Structure (All)


The new fees are based on the Carnegie designation, not
campus size (ask Rich for a handout if you didn’t get one yet). For style='color:black'>many campuses, fees will be $5,200 from 2007 through
2011. After that, possibly a 3% increase each year. Rich is going to ask ICPSR
if there will be other increases through 2011 and also if the sudden jump for
Federated membership discounts from our current 45% to future 20% class=GramE>can be transitioned over time. (Note: style='mso-spacerun:yes'> We found out that there will not be a 3% cost
of living increase during the transition period from 2007 through 2011.) style='mso-spacerun:yes'> We also need to think about who will get the
usage report (Andrew would be a good choice, if SFSU is designated as our hub).


Many thanks to Dick Shaffer, our cordial host for the
business meeting and workshop!