California State University
Minutes, Meeting of 4/30/04
At California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Present: Ted Anagnoson (LA), Colin Campbell (SSDBA, LA), Jim Gerber (San Diego), Laura Hecht (Bakersfield), John Korey (Pomona), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Mike Reibel (Pomona), Dick Shaffer (San Luis Obispo), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Gene Turner (Northridge).
- Meeting called to order at 9:10 a.m.
- Minutes of the Winter meeting approved as written.
- Future of the Social Science Data Base Archive.
- Gerry Hanley of the CO has not sent out the bills to the campuses for membership in the archive as yet.
- Ed Nelson is to get in touch with Gerry to ascertain what the current situation is. Nelson subsequently learned that Hanley was waiting until the Governor’s “May revise” to send out the bills for the memberships.
- M/s/p to appoint an Executive Committee composed of R. Taketa, E. Nelson, and J. Korey to act for us in any negotiations that need to take place.
- The Council asked C. Campbell to move the data that is not from the Field Institute and not from the ICPSR to a hard drive to be sent to M. Reibel of CPSU Pomona. Colin will check on what data there is from the 1980 and earlier Census studies.
- Campbell asked for permission to dispose of the paper codebooks, now taking up some space in the offices from which his area must move this summer – the Council felt that since ICPSR provides electronic codebooks, these could be disposed of.
- Conference Debriefing.
- Those present for the student research conference on Friday, April 30th, felt that the conference was successful in that the papers presented were of quite good quality, but the conference was relatively small, with only 11 papers presented.
- Conference award winners were:
Charles McCall Award for the Best Undergraduate Paper: “Supporting and Opposing Gun Control,” Jeff Garner, CSU Fresno.
Betty Nesvold Award for the Best Graduate Paper: “Female Sexuality and the Social Construction of Female Sexual Dysfunction,” Romana Pokorny, CSU Fullerton.
Gloria Rummels Award for the Best Paper Using Quantitative Data: “The Politically Neglected: Variables Influencing Young Voter Turnout,” Daniel P. Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
- Some reasons for the low number of papers are:
Reductions in travel support.
Competition with the CSU systemwide student research conference the same weekend, as well as a GIS conference.
Posters might be included for a poster session, thus alleviating some student concern at presenting results in front of a bigger audience.
Consensus that the experiment of allowing papers from community college transfer students was successful, with two papers being from community college students. Community college papers might also be appropriate for a poster session.
- There was discussion of alternatives – not holding the conference, merging with the CSU systemwide conference if feasible, holding the conference at a different time of year (although Winter was tried for several years, with no more success than Spring), others.
- Placing the conference papers on the web: The Council decided to place the abstracts, along with the names and institutions, of the winning papers on the SSRIC website.
- Bylaw Amendment.
- J. Korey proposed the following amendment for the SSRIC Bylaws:
“If the chair should become vacant, the chair-elect will become acting chair. If the chair-elect has not yet been chosen or is unavailable, the most recent past chair available will become acting chair. If the vacancy is temporary, the acting chair will serve until the chair returns. If the vacancy is permanent, the acting chair will serve until the next business meeting, at which time a new chair will be elected for the remainder of the term of office.”
- The amendment was moved, seconded, and passed.
- Campuses with No Active Representative to the SSRIC.
- Campuses that have no active representative to the Council at this point include: LB, CH, FU, SO, SM, SB, MB, ST, Maritime, and CI.
- Consensus that the chair-elect would contact the relevant deans to ask that a representative be appointed.
- In general, the Council felt that two representatives were desirable, so that the backup representative could attend when the member was unavailable.
- ICPSR Summer Program.
- Jim Gerber presented the applications for summer program support at the ICPSR Summer Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The Council decided to award funds as follows:
K. Baltzer, SDSU, $0.
B. Brown, CPSU Pomona, $1,250.
B. Wu, CSU Sacramento, $1,250.
E. Arredondo, SDSU, $500.
- Meetings for Next Year.
- Fall, SJSU, October 29-30, 2004.
- Winter, CPSU San Luis Obispo, February 4-5, 2005.
- Spring, CSU Fresno, date left open because the dates of the all-CSU student research conference were unknown.
- E. Nelson subsequently announced that the SSRIC Student Research Conference would be Thursday, April 28th, the day before the all-CSU Student Research Conference in Sacramento on April 29-30. The business meeting will be Friday, April 29th. Note the change to a Thursday/Friday meeting schedule.
- Ideas for speakers are welcome and should be sent to E. Nelson at CSU Fresno.
- SSRIC Website.
- The SSRIC website has not be re-designed since 1998-99 and is in need of refurbishment.
- The following were appointed to deal with refurbishment of the SSRIC and TRD websites: J. Korey (chair), E. Nelson, R. Taketa, G. Turner, J. Ross, Liz Nelson, N. Chico, L. Hecht.
- Workshop on web page design for courses. J. Korey is to talk to Nan Chico and Jim Ross to see where they are on this.
- Meeting adjourned at 12 noon, with copious thanks to John Korey for his help and hospitality.
Minutes submitted 5/21/04.
Amended 5/23/04.
Ted Anagnoson, LA